I worked on an idea for discovery of books a couple of years ago. The idea was simple - make a catalog of your paper books
online and tag your location to it. Friends and neighbours would then be able to search for a book using the service and
discover books in your shelf. The service would allow making requests for books and manage subsequent interactions between
users. I tried developing this concept in residential communities, colleges and online book groups but did not get significant
traction to pursue it as a serious business.
In the couple of years that followed there were many others who approached or discussed the same idea online and otherwise.
I discouraged some of the folks explaining my experiences with traction. I am sure many more would want to try it out. But
the fact that there are many people with the same idea points to a possible passionate market however small it maybe. Most of
the code I had developed was lying idle and I thought it would help folks trying to build this concept from scratch if I
open sourced the codebase.
In the last few weeks I refactored the old code and built out a mobile app with the same backend, but used newer technologies
to build better capabilities and with less code. I have published the app for free on Android platform. You can check it out
at here. The code is open source and published in github.
The android app is developed using the Ionic-Angular framework that lets you build hybrid
(html + native) apps. The backend service is implemented as a set of REST apis using Grails with
a MongoDB database. You can check out the code on github at the following locations.
See instructions for building the codebase in the corresponding github repositories. The front end code uses Protractor/Jasmine for
End-to-End testing and Karma/Jasmine for unit tests. The backend uses Spock framework for testing the apis.
The code base will help developers trying to build similar capabilities for other apps - location
based full-text search, real-time messaging, restful and stateless service, hybrid mobile app using cordova, etc
To build a full stateless restful service in grails I have used the Spring Security Rest plugin
as the normal spring security based authentication relies on sessions to be maintained. Real-time messaging is
implemented using Spring Websockets. Reach out if you are looking for help in these areas.
All of the code is distributed under the Creative Commons License 4.0.
I first came across the concept of the T-shaped resource in Donald G Reinersten’s book
on Lean Product Development. It is discussed as a principle under the section on applying WIP constraints. The discussions
revolve around 3 types of individuals with different types of capabilities - experts, generalists and t-shaped resources. The significance
of this concept struck me later when I started digging into the principles of software Kanban
The core principle of software Kanban stresses on one-piece-flow. Unlike techniques like scrum, there is
no sprint planning that is required to prioritize the user stories for the next sprint, instead the next set of
high-priority stories are always available in a short-listed version of the product backlog. Development team *pulls” the
next story and starts working on them as soon as there is free capacity (i.e. as long as WIP constraints are met). The difference
from other agile development processes is that when a block is experienced the entire flow is stopped to clear the blockage. This
is where the concept of different types of resources or profiles come into play. The process of addressing a block is explained in
the following diagrams that I have borrowed from the Kanban_and_Scrum InfoQ book
All the three types of profiles (I prefer ‘profiles’ to ‘resources’, it sounds more human) can be used to clear blockages in a
work queue. Experts have tremendous solving power to clear up technical bottlenecks. So deploying experts in each step can help
clear up blocks. But it is difficult to achieve significant depth of expertise and such profiles are scarce. Generalists are
profiles that can be deployed in any of the steps in a queue. They can be used to clear minor blocks that occur due to resource
unavailability but again finding resources with knowledge of many steps of the process is again difficult.
T-shaped resources provide an alternative to the constraints faced in developing and deploying experts and generalists. The idea
behind a T-shaped profile is an individual who has sufficient depth in a particular area but can also seamlessly shift to adjacent
process steps in a flow. An example would be an expert tester, who can also move easily to development and deployment. When development
faces a capacity bottleneck and cannot move a work item forward, this naturally frees up capacity of testers since there are less
items in their backlog due to upstream WIP constraints. This frees up a T-shaped test resource to easily shift focus to development to clear up
work items blocked due to lower capacity. As added benefits, such movements also result in improved communication and variety of work.
Which Javascript MVC framework should I use? AngularJS or KnockoutJS or Ember or …? This is a very common question that gets asked by
javascript developers who want to start using MVC in their applications. Most of the answers to such queries
usually conclude with ‘it depends’ on what you need. But there is a bigger problem, one with the question
itself because Angular (and other frameworks like Ember, Backbone) are not just MVC. They are a lot more.
MVC has been a proven way to address the ‘separation of concerns’ problem in user interfaces since developers
started using Smalltalk and the pattern got documented in literature on Design and Architecture patterns. As
Javascript development passed the threshold of simple to complex web-apps, MVC found its way into Javascript
in the form of multiple frameworks. But separation of concerns in the view-model layer is just one of the
problems of Javascript. Unlike other server side languages like Java or C++ that support language level constructs
for organization and dependency management (packages, modules), lifecycle management, extensibility (inheritance and
decoration), and testability via dependency injection, Javascript stays clear of these capabilities. So,
for someone that wants to develop a complex app, these factors become as equally important as the separation of
concerns problem.
Organization, Dependency and Lifecycle Management
Angular provides the concept of organizing code using a Module.One can think of a module as a container for the
different parts of your app – controllers, services, filters, directives, etc. Modules specify how an
application should be bootstrapped. It has a declarative process easy to understand and promotes reuse.To manage
the responsibility of dependency creation, each Angular application has an injector. The injector is a service locator
that is responsible for construction and lookup of dependencies.
Separation of Concerns
At the core of Angular are constructs for implementing Template based views, Controllers and data Models. The
framework uses the concept of ‘scope’ per controller bound to an HTML element in DOM, and takes care of two-way data
binding between the UI and the ‘scope’. Developer handle changes to scope within controllers and update their models
There are several ways to extend angular and use its features to do work for you. One option is to use specialized
objects called directives that help build web components. Another option is to implement *providers”. Custom directives
are a powerful feature of Angular and eases code reuse.
Angular provides Protractor, an end to end test runner which simulates user interactions that will help one verify
the health of Angular applications. Protractor along with ‘DI’ based testable code enhances the quality of apps
If all you need is just a simple app implementing MVC (read TodoMVC) that needs to be fast there are many frameworks
that fit the bill and Angular may not be the recommended option. But if you have a large and complex codebase that
requires better organization, testability, extensibility, dependency management, and separation of concerns in the form
of MVC, then a framework such a Angular is the best bet. Above all in Angular as these larger concerns are part of
the framework construct, as our code base grows to large sizes, it allows us maintain our sanity !!
As web applications become more complex by the day, security becomes an important aspect to consider during development.
One way to address the variety of security loopholes in the system is to follow a check-list based approach. Look at the
top 10 vulnerabilities web apps face today and address each one of these individually. OWASP (The Open Web Application
Security Project) provides a list of top 10 security flaws that web applications face here.
Addressing these flaws will help applications reduce a significant percentage of attacks. The list of attacks and the facilities Grails provide to
counter these flaws is discussed by Burt Beckwith in his book Programming Grails
A summary of the discussion is provided below.
Injection (SQL / Javascript) : where a text input field is used to enter code (SQL or Javascript) that can compromise the application.
Grails is mostly immune to this because most of ths queries are converted to Hibernate criteria queries (which uses PreparedStatement with parameter
holders, and this escapes any injected code). In case you use HQL, care should be taken to avoid injection. Another possible injection vulnerability is if you use
groovy command execution in the backend. So one needs to take care of escaping these scenarios.
Broken Auth / Sessions : where incorrect implementation of authentication and session management is taken advantage to compromise passwords, keys, or session tokens
The simple solution to this is to use a library that implements authentication and session management. Grails uses the Spring-Security library and
provides a plugin to integrate it easily into your web application. Just make sure the following parameters are set correctly
- grails.views.enable.jsessionid = false
- grails.plugins.springsecurity.useSessionFixationPrevention = true
- make sure to use encodeURL instead of encodeRedirectURL if you are creating redirect URLs
XSS (Cross site scripting) : where untrusted data (using injection) is sent to browser (javascript code executed in place of data)
grails.views.default.codec = “html”
allows automatic escaping of input data. But this is not fool-proof. Also make sure you don’t use the following Groovy server pages technique for writing to
output which directly writes to output stream.
Insecure Direct object references : where urls point to internal objects and changing a url with a different parameter could provide access to unauthorized data.
In Grails this can be avoided by using Spring security authentication - get the appropriate user id in the server and use that to retrieve further
references instead of having them in the client. Another option would be to use ACLs, but this is more cumbersome
Mis-configured security : such as not using correct algorithms, not enabling SSL, etc. Grails does not have any explicit way to automate away misconfiguration
Failure to restrict URL access : The Spring Security plugin offers three approaches to guarding URLs: annotations,
database “requestmaps,” and a simple mapping of URLs and their required roles. In addition, there is a “strict” mode
option where URLs that do not have explicit access rules defined are blocked. Enabling this is simple, just a single line
in Config.groovy:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.rejectIfNoRule = true
Insufficient Transport Layer Protection : One of the easiest ways to do this is to use SSL for your web traffic.
Although there is a small cost to using SSL due to the processing work encrypting the
pages, you should consider using SSL for the entire site. Then, everything is transmitted
securely and the data is significantly less likely to be accessed by attackers.
The certificate should use strong encryption, with a key size of at least 128 bits.
CSRF : A cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack is similar to an XSS attack. An attacker will
often use XSS vulnerabilities to create pages that make requests on the behalf of other
users and send personal information, cookies, or session IDs to the attacker’s server, or
perform some action on behalf of the user. The first line of defense against CSRF attacks is to ensure that XSS attacks
are not possible.
The best way to defeat CSRF attacks is to generate a token for each clickable URL (appended
to the href) and form (using an tag), and verify the token at the server. If a request is made
(either a GET or a POST), and there is no token or it’s not valid, the action is blocked. As long as the value is unique
and generated for each request, even if an attacker accesses someone else’s valid token, it won’t be usable,
because it is only valid for that user. The easiest way to implement this is to use grails HDIV plugin
Using insecure cryptographic storage : Storing data requires good libraries for Hashing and Encryption.
Passwords are typically hashed. There is rarely a need to decrypt a password stored in a database, because during
authentication, you merely need to hash the user’s supplied password and compare it with the previously hashed value.
MD5, and SHA-1 are popular algorithms but recent advances in computing have made it easy to break these.
One should prefer SHA-256 or SHA-512 for hashing. The best choice is Bcrypt where you can specify number of hash iterations.
Adding a “salt” to hashing makes it more robust.
The Jasypt library is an excellent tool to avoid having to deal with the implementation
details of encrypting data, and there’s even a Grails plugin for it: the jasyptencryption plugin.
Unvalidated redirects : Redirecting or forwarding users to other URLs exposes them to being taken
advantage of by attackers by taking advantage of some XSS exploit. One way to deal with this
is to use server side redirects which cannot be exploited. Another way to address this specific to
grails is to use the ‘flash’ scope.
We have come a long way from the days where database development meant designing relational models for a database like Oracle or
SQL Server. The last few years have seen a proliferation of databases that are meant to perform very specific tasks.Application
server middle-ware have also become more flexible and now support multiple data sources instead of having to use just a single DB.
Since there are so many options out there it is important to understand the strength and weakness of each and use databases
appropriately, based on functional or non-functional requirements. Here’s a handy map of some of the most popular databases and
where they would fit into your application architecture.
In addition to picking a database based on functional requirements, one may require to access them based on the compromises
each one makes in terms of supporting consistency, availability and partitioning tolerance. A popular thumb-rule for such
an assessment is known as the CAP Theorem. CAP theorem states that most databases would be able to satisfy two of the
three conditions above, but not all - so every database makes a compromise in one of these parameters to satisfy the other
two. If one of these parameters are important for an architecture, it may be pertinent to know if a database is making a compromise
before making a choice.